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Puppkin Spice Latte Recipe for Dogs
A treat for special days, and when you want to celebrate autumn!
* An explanation and tips for making whipped cream from coconut cream that is always successful follows.
For the Whipped Cream:
1 Can coconut cream (at least 19% fat).
Tips for making whipped coconut cream:
- Leave the can in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours before you want to make the whipped cream.
- Do not turn or shake the can (so that a differentiation is created between the fatty-creamy part and the watery liquid).
- Place the mixing bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes before preparing the whipped cream.
- You can keep the prepared whipped cream for at least 4 days in the refrigerator.
Preparation of Whipped Cream:
Transfer the creamy part of the coconut cream (without the watery part) that accumulated at the top of the can to a bowl. Mix with an electric hand mixer for several minutes. If the cream is too thick, you can add a little coconut liquid.
The whipped cream is ready when you get a firm consistancy.

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